• Password

    The factory default password of this router is ''admin''. It is strongly recommended that you change the password for the router. When a password is set, users who try to access the router will be prompted to enter the device's password.

    Make a selection based on your needs:

    Enter New Password Make up a password for the device. Enter it here. Your password must be less than 64 characters, and it cannot contain any spaces, or all be filled with ''*''.
    Re-enter to Confirm Re-enter the password for confirmation.
    SNMP Community Community is the name used by an SNMP device to control access to MIB variables. This router provides four community names for users to manage the SNMP access. Users can set the access option of each community name to ''Read-Only'' or ''Read-Write'', and use the correct community name to read or write the MIB variables through some SNMP management tools. The SNMP community must be less than 32 characters, and it cannot contain any spaces.
    Restore Factory Defaults You can restore the unit's factory defaults from this screen. Keep in mind that doing so will erase all of your customized settings. Check the Yes option, then click the Apply button to reset all settings and restore factory defaults.

    If you make any changes, click Apply to save the data.